Sustinat Green specializes in the field of industrial development, agro-industry, eco-tourism, infrastructure, real estate, hotel-resort development, and wastewater treatment. We have in-depth knowledge of the field of agriculture, environment, and mining.
Offered Services
i) Environmental Management Services
- EIA/ESIA consultancy services (Initial and Full EIA),
- Environmental Management Plan (EMP),
- EMP Supporting Advice and Execution,
- Environmental Monitoring Report,
- Environmental Protection Agreement,
- Environmental Quality Inspection (Air, Soil, Water, Noise and Vibration),
- Preliminary Environmental and Social Survey
ii) Corporate Secretary & Environmental Compliance
- Provide support and assistance to acquire license and/or permit required by law and regulations in force (Discharge permit, Recycling Material Export License, …),
- Provide corporate service and/or consultancy service to ensure environmental compliance: declaration of monthly/ trimestrial/ semester/ annual environmental report
iii) Research & Study
- Climate Change and Adaptation,
- Conduct Market Survey and Pre-feasibility study,
- Conduct Social and Economic Survey,
- Resettlement Plan and Compensation,
- Life-Cycle Assessment and Cleaner Production,
- Waste Management Study and Policy Advice (ranging from customer survey to fee structure, and environmental infrastructure needs assessment)
iv) Applied Green Design
- Green technology integration Consultancy,
- Functional Design,
- Bioclimatic and Passive Solar Design,
- Green and blue space design,
- Integrated Environmental Management Plan and Master Plan Design,
- Economic Analysis of Architectural Design